Be Smart and Book Your Spring Break Hotel Early

These helpful tips were brought to you by the good folks at the Sandpiper Beacon Beach Resort. The only “Panama City Beach Spring Break” Hotel (that rents to under 25’s) with an on-site club that’s one of the hottest spots to be at during Spring Break; the World Famous Tiki Bar.  See more at

Listen up, we’ve got some great advice for you, and it’s free.

Book your Spring Break as EARLY as possible.

One more time in case you missed it; BOOK EARLY.

That’s it.

Sure, you’re thinking “yeah, yeah, we get it.” But here’s why it’s such a big deal…

If You Could Pay $1 or $100 – Which Would You Choose?

The later you leave it, the higher the price you pay.

So that EXACT same Spring Break Hotel and Condo that was $100 last month, could be $275 if you wait long enough (just as an example).

And yes, the prices can rise that high, as they are based on availability and demand.

Doesn’t it seem crazy to pay more for the exact same thing? Do you do that with everything you buy?

Probably not, so Spring Break shouldn’t be any different.

It costs hardly anything to put a deposit down and reserve a room. Most places will just take a small percentage of the room cost to hold your room and guarantee it for you. This means they can’t rent it out to anybody else – it’s YOURS.

Take Your Pick…

In case that’s not enough, then here’s another good reason; availability.

If you’re smart, and start looking early, then you get to choose from EVERYTHING that’s out there, and cherry-pick the best spots, and the best rooms / suites within that place.

The guys who wait to book later than you get your leftovers, and have to pay more for the privilege.

Which would you rather be?

Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems!

Booking early means everyone on your group knows what their share is.

That helps you save to pay for the room, and then save to pay for the FUNds you’re gonna need when you’re here.

You wanna go to the club at night and buy a drink for that girl you’re talking too? Oh wait, you booked late so you didn’t budget and now you’re broke on day 3.

There’s every good reason to book early, and no benefit to waiting too late…


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